Exercise 3-5: Manipulating Lists
Write a function that, given a list of integers and an integer, will return all integers
smaller than or equal to that integer.
filter([1,2,3,4,5], 3) ⇒ [1,2,3].
Write a function that, given a list, will reverse the order of the elements.
reverse([1,2,3]) ⇒ [3,2,1].
Write a function that, given a list of lists, will concatenate them.
concatenate([[1,2,3], [], [4, five]]) ⇒ [1,2,3,4,five].
Hint: you will have to use a helpfunction and concatenate the lists in several steps.
Write a function that, given a list of nested lists, will return a flat list.
flatten([[1,[2,[3],[]]], [[[4]]], [5,6]]) ⇒ [1,2,3,4,5,6].
Hint: use concatenateto solve flatten
Мой вариант решения:
-module (test3_5). -compile(export_all). -import (io). filter([], _Max, Result) -> Result; filter([Head | Tail], Max, Result) when Head >= Max -> filter(Tail, Max, Result ++ [Head]); filter([_Head | Tail], Max, Result) -> filter(Tail, Max, Result). filter(List, Max) -> filter(List, Max, []). reverse([], Result) -> Result; reverse([Head | Tail], Result) -> reverse(Tail, [Head] ++ Result). reverse(List) -> reverse(List, []). concatenate(L) -> concatenate(L, []). concatenate([], Result) -> Result; concatenate([Head | Tail], Result) -> concatenate(Tail, Result ++ Head). flatten(List) -> flatten(List, []). flatten([], Result) -> Result; flatten([Head | Tail], Result) -> flatten(Tail, Result ++ flatten(Head)); flatten(Value, Result) -> Result ++ [Value]. test() -> filter([1,2,3,4,5],3), reverse([1,2,3]), concatenate([[1,2,3], [], [4, five]]), flatten([[1,[2,[3],[]]], [[[4]]], [5,6]]).