Jun 2019 reading digest

The German Tank Problem

Management, Startups, Marketing, Productivity Holy-wars are very popular in IT industry: tabs vs spaces, gradle vs maven, OOP vs functional programming, etc. If you have to solve real problems spending time on it isn’t very productive. Are there any frameworks or recommendations on how to discuss and make a decision about such things? Fortunately, yes, IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) faced with this issue and defined the list of principles. Trello is a great collaboration tool, and their blog is

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May 2019 reading digest

Management, Startups, Marketing, Productivity Summary of Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World by Cal Newport. Of course it worth to read the book but for busy people with long “have to read” lists, summaries like that are priceless. Estimates are hard and never precise. This research (russian version) based on more than 12k projects and represents some correlations between scale of projects and probability estimate time for the project right. I few impressive outcomes: in most

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About Me

For whom this blog for?

For those who are interested in modern Internet technologies, IT business, startups, management, quality control, personal effectiveness, motivation. Here I write about what is interesting, about problems I faced and solutions I found. I hope it will be interesting to you either.

What motivates me to write?

The desire to improve, to study deeper topics that interest me. Find people with similar problems and tasks, together look for ways out and solutions.

Feel free to contact if you have anything to say to me

Old Flash site with my artistic works and misuc.