Interesting content I read in Aug 2019


The book of the month is The Culture Code by Daniel Coyle recommended me by Henrique Santana de Miranda. It’s easy to read, inspirational research about group dynamic and some insights that differ great, good, and bad teams. I highly recommend reading the book to anyone, I pretty sure you’ll enjoy reading and for sure became a better team player in the future. For those who still not convinced to read here is a detailed summary of the book.

Management, Startups, Marketing, Productivity

  • Which UX research method to use, especially if you are in lack of time, resource or testers? Set of useful practices for product owners and designers who want to validate UI/UX ideas.
  • Karl Wiegers, the author of the best book about the business analysis I ever read, explains different aspects that impact on the level of details in project requirement. Question of balance is always a topic for holy wars. In the article Karl iterative and thoughtfully consider different point of view on the problem.

Programming, technologies, computer science

  • Syslog : The Complete System Administrator Guide
  • Cue (configure, unify, execute) – language for validation and definition text-based data. Seems like language that allows you to define your schema validation. Something more generic than XML-Schema and JSON-Schema. I’ll definitely give it a try.
  • Comprehensive and very detailed overview of services and features that allow you to build a secure application in AWS (part1part2)

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About Me

For whom this blog for?

For those who are interested in modern Internet technologies, IT business, startups, management, quality control, personal effectiveness, motivation. Here I write about what is interesting, about problems I faced and solutions I found. I hope it will be interesting to you either.

What motivates me to write?

The desire to improve, to study deeper topics that interest me. Find people with similar problems and tasks, together look for ways out and solutions.

Feel free to contact if you have anything to say to me

Old Flash site with my artistic works and misuc.