When I think about this year, not many things come to mind. Besides some trips and definitely more cycling, running, and hiking, the highlight was probably my parents’ visit and spending a few weeks together. That was fun! Nothing has changed about my dreams: peace for Ukraine is all I want for the coming year.
Blog Posts
It's not often that you get to hear what people with such experience and horizons think about the future of both the industry and us as a human community. A recording of the speech appeared somewhere in Internet recently, and for those who are interested here is the full transcription of it. Highly recommend to review. I will just summarise a few main ideas and his vision.
This my photo reflects the feeling of the whole past year well very well. It’s gloomy, it’s cold, and we, as a small group, are trying to stick together.
After a long break, I’m going to try to get back to summarizing what I’ve been learning during the month.
As it turned out, it is quite easy to break Grafana by changing the name of the organization, or by changing the permissions of the admins. In any case, whatever you broke in your Grafana installation, having access to the server it’s running on, you can fix everything. Grafana’s status is stored in sqlite3, so, first of all you have to install еhe latest version of the client: Alternatively you can download binary here. Then login into database: If you …
The software industry is relatively young. Let’s take as a starting point the publication in 1939 of Alan Turing’s On computable numbers, with an application to the entscheidungsproblem, in which he described an imaginary computer turing machine and the program it runs. There were mechanical calculating machines, there was Charles Babbage’s analytical machine, but still, the Turing machine was the first thing that today’s programmers could describe as a computer and a program. In the 1950s, Fortran came along. The …
One of the biggest things that happened to me last year was the move to Mac. After dozens of years of working with Windows, then Linux, many customizations, and convenient software that allowed me to work almost at the speed of thought, I was a little afraid that it would take a long time before I could achieve the same comfort and speed. After two months, I can confidently say that life on the mac is existing. Not always, however, …
Era is gone. My old laptop is more than 10 years old. It still works well and handles most of my tasks. From other hand it deserves for retirement quite a long time. It has survived thousands of hours of work, thousands of miles of travel and flights, worked with me on dozens of projects, magistracy, processed hundreds of photos and edited dozens of videos. So, who replaced the faithful friend? I had been looking at Macs for a long …
Poznan is a neat, comfortable, green city with its history, character, peculiar climate and coziness, and aesthetic combination of old and new. Even though the town is not very touristy, there is something to see, where to walk and what to do for at least a few days.
Познань - аккуратный, комфортный для жизни, зеленый город со своей историей, характером, своеобразным климатом и уютом, своей эстетикой сочетания старого и нового.